Au Pair in the UK

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Au Pair in the UK

Au Pair in the UK: A Closer Look

Being an Au Pair is one of the cherished gap year opportunities. However, the qualifications and requirements have evolved.

Basic Overview:

    • Au pairs live with their host family and aren’t typically classed as workers or employees.
    • They aren’t entitled to the National Minimum wage or paid holidays.
    • They’re treated as family members and receive “pocket money” of at least £90 per week.

Who can be an Au Pair in the UK?:

    • Individuals from the UK or Ireland.
    • Those from an EU country with settled or pre-settled status.
    • Those possessing a Youth Mobility Scheme visa.
    • If none of the above apply, the Skilled Worker visa becomes necessary.

More details on the criteria and conditions can be found here.

Skilled Worker Visa for Au Pairs:

For those who don’t fall under the typical Au Pair categories, the Skilled Worker visa is an avenue to explore.

    1. Employer’s Sponsorship License: The employing company must have a sponsorship license. There are costs, conditions, and requirements attached to acquiring this license.
    2. Certificate of Sponsorship: An electronic record assigned by the business to the foreign worker they wish to employ.
    3. Visa Application: Fees vary based on the visa duration, the occupation’s listing, and the associated Immigration Health surcharge.

More in-depth details on the Skilled Worker Visa process can be found here.

Gap Year Visa Options

For more information for under 30s looking for UK work experience:

For more information:

Alternatively call:

021 761 4608